Saturday, April 3, 2021

Some Thoughts on Easter and General Conference

Though we've had some encouraging news on Covid-19, there is still plenty of bad news coming at us. Just today, there was an attempted attack on the nation’s capital, and in the last couple of weeks there were three different mass shootings. And all about us we see a highly divided people who feel contempt for those who disagree with them.


We obviously need help. I believe that God still wants to provide us with the help we need. Just as the ancient apostle Peter received the vision to preach the gospel to all the world, I believe we have an apostle/prophet on the earth today who tells us God’s will, specifically, for this time. This Easter weekend, as we ponder the greatest gift of God--our Savior and his resurrection--also happens to be the time when inspired leaders of our church gather to teach us God’s will. I am excited


I’m excited to hear the counsel. Last October, on the eve of a nearly unprecedentedly divisive election, we were taught about unity and the need to love our enemies. After a summer of violent protests against racism, we were reminded that God is no respecter of persons, He loves all, and we must love all. There is no place for racism in the Gospel of Christ. When many were encouraging violence to meet their desires, both on the right and the left, we were taught that violence is not the way to bring about change. In a time when sweeping policy changes are considered as the only means to improving our society, we were taught that it is the small, individual choices that really change society and make that change sustainable.


Sometimes we don't see the relevance of counsel until later on. A couple of years ago in conference, our prophet announced changes that seemed unusual at the time. We would spend less time in formal church meetings, the youth program would be more centered on interactions with parents and family, and daily personal and family gospel study would be the center of it all. The Church was to be home-centered, with formal church programs merely supporting what was happening at home. This seemed a bit strange, but as we followed the guidance, we discovered the joy of personal and family study and worship. Then, the Covid-19 lockdown happened, and we realized we had been prophetically prepared for just that circumstance. Though we missed meeting with our congregations weekly, we knew we could worship and learn the gospel at home. Because of inspired counsel, we were prepared to thrive spiritually during lockdown.


I’m excited for conference because, sitting in front of my TV in my basement, notebook in hand, I feel a unity with members of my church all over the world. I know members are watching in Africa, South America, Asia, Europe, all over the world. Some have had to travel to find a place where they can stream the conference. Others have awakened early or stayed up late to hear the teachings. A small army of translators provide the messages in over 100 languages. But whatever the language, whatever the setting, the people are like me, eager to learn, eager to become better.


I’m excited especially because this year Conference coincides with Easter—providing an even more poignant opportunity to contemplate God’s great love for us. Christ suffered for our sins, died for us, was resurrected—all to make possible the eternal salvation of each person who has ever lived upon the planet. The messages we will hear this weekend teach us how we can follow Christ, make choices that will help us to become his true disciples. The messages teach me what I need to do better at, and they teach me what I am already doing pretty well. It’s a time to review, to recommit. It’s like the football coach’s talk at half-time: I leave the conference fired up to do better, to be better, to help others, to love more, to feel His love more. I’m excited for conference!


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