Wednesday, January 6, 2016


Three times a week I go to a gym for old ladies. We all feel better not having to compare our saggy arms and flabby middles with the young, toned, and athletic. We come in polyester pants and old family reunion t-shirts. We gamely move from machine to machine, pulling, lifting, pushing, stretching, working each muscle group in 30-second segments. Between each machine workout, we follow the instructions of a TV lady for additional exercise. For 30 seconds at a time we do our best at jumping jacks, push-ups, windmills, sumo squats, crunches. We “punch it out.”

What I love about these TV ladies is their unfailing encouragement. They say, “You can do this!” “Just give it a try.” “You don’t have to be perfect, perfect is boring.” “I know this is hard. Even if you think you can’t do it, just try one or two reps at the hard level.” “I’m so proud of you for showing up. You are here, you are trying, and that is the main thing.” “Your body will thank you for doing this.” “There is no change without challenge.”

I try hard for those nice ladies in spandex. And sometimes when I’m home I hear their voices in my ear. When I think, “I’m too tired to do those dishes” I hear them say, “You can do this!” When I want to yell at someone, I hear, “I know this is hard, but give calmness a try.” When I mess up and hurt someone with my words, I hear, “you don’t have to be perfect, just keep trying.”

I like to think that this is what the Savior is saying to me. “Good job! Keep trying! You can do this!” When I pray, study the scriptures, remember to be kind, He says, “Way to go! I knew you could do it.” When I make mistakes, He says, “You’ll do better next time.” When I face a seemingly insurmountable problem, He says, “I know this is hard.” He says, “There is no change without challenge. You will be a better person for having been through this. I’ll help you.”

As Christians, this is what we do. We show up every day, not ashamed of where we are but trying to become better. We know our coach and Redeemer is there to help us along. We do the things we know will strengthen us and we face the hard stuff with faith He will help us through. It’s hard, but we expect that. We keep trying. As we exercise our faith and goodness, we learn and grow and become more like what our Savior wants us to be.

In this blog, I will explore that exercise, the exercise of learning to become a better person, line upon line, through the grace of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

For he will give unto the faithful line upon line, precept upon precept; and I will try you and prove you herewith. (Doctrine and Covenants 98:12)


  1. Well said! Encouraging words for everyone!

  2. I love that you realized these on your own. I remember talking to my therapist, who told me to say, when I was just too tired, "I have the energy to do this". I gave her the stink-eye and said "So you want me to lie to myself?" Unfortunately for my weak and selfish self, you (and my therapist) were right - telling myself I could do those things turned out to be true, and it turned me into a hero in my own narrative. That was invaluable.

    1. Wow! That is a great insight. So much better to be a hero than a victim. :)
